I think the problem is how you’re defining the Bechdel test - that may be how the internet defines it now, but that first sentence is not Bechdel’s. Her test (really her friend’s idea that she articulated in print) was to determine whether or not she wanted to read or see something, not evaluating if something is sexist or gender stereotyping. For example, the Shawshank Redemption doesn’t pass the Bechdel test, because the only women in the movie are Andy’s wife in flashbacks and someone at the bank, but that doesn’t mean it’s sexist - women just aren’t there. And I think the passages you cite clearly demonstrate that these women are talking about aspects of life, beyond just the male subject that was the vehicle to start the conversation

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I always thought the message of the Bechdel Tests was that a) it is a ridiculously low bar and b) given what a low bar it is, it's ridiculous how few movies can pass it.

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