Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Asked To Judge a Short Story Contest
A Literal Literary Loser Picks a Winner
I’ve written before about how I know nothing about writing. Despite having my 18th book published last November, I know no more about what makes a successful novel now than I did when my first was purchased by Avon back in 1994.
I’ve written about how I didn’t like these recent best-sellers and Pulitzer Prize winners. My literary judgment is clearly out of line with popular tastes.
So what am I doing judging a short-story contest?
Confession time: I have no idea what I am doing judging a short story contest.
So why am I doing it?
Well, the publisher of my most recent book, “My Mother’s Secret: A Novel of the Jewish Autonomous Region,” asked me to.
As they explain here: History Through Fiction is proud to announce its first annual short story contest. Beginning June 15, 2023, and ending August 15, 2023, History Through Fiction will be accepting historical fiction short stories for publication to a special contest section of our Member-only Content Area. Six finalists will be announced on September 15. First, second, and third place winners will be announced on October 15. The three winning stories will be published on November 1, 2023.
I am always on the lookout for opportunities to get out of my comfort zone. This year, I’ve gone on my first book-tour, attended my first historical fiction writers conference, hosted my first book launch - and even bought a new dress for it!
As I wrote way back in my very first post about Why I’m a Literal, Literary Loser, I am 52 years old (53 now), and my writing career has just been reset back to zero. I have no idea what I am doing about anything. So why not add Judging a Short Story contest to that list?
Here is why that’s good news for you: If you enter History Through Fiction’s Short Story contest and you win, yay, you! You’re a winner!
But if you enter History Through Fiction’s Short Story contest and you don’t win, you get to tell yourself: So what? One of the judges was a Literal Literary Loser. She admitted she has no idea what she’s doing. This doesn’t mean anything about my writing ability!
It’s a win-win either way. So why not give it a shot?