I published my first book in 1994. (The Fictitious Marquis, AVON)
I published my most recent book in 2020. (The Nesting Dolls, HarperCollins)
My 18th book comes out this November. (My Mother’s Secret: A Novel of the Jewish Autonomous Region, HTF)
I know nothing about book publishing. Really - no… thing.
Every time I think I’ve finally broken the code and know what it takes to sell a book, it gets turned down - everywhere.
Every time I think I’ve got the hang of book promotion, the novel I bought ads for and the one I’ve done book group visits for hardly budges… while the one I’ve kind of forgotten exists suddenly zooms up the charts.
Every time I think I figured out what readers want in a book, I get a five star review… followed by a one star review.
“That’s because you’re writing to please outside forces,” I’ve been lectured - quite sternly. “Write the book of your heart, and everything will work out.”
Uhm… no. That doesn’t work, either, click here for the gory details.
You know how Dorothy Parker said that she doesn’t like writing, she likes having had written? I’m the exact opposite. I actually love the process of writing. Honestly, I think I’m addicted to it. I get a hit of oxytocin just touching my keyboard. (Maybe that’s why I didn’t get it when I was supposed to… while breastfeeding. My kids didn’t come with keyboards.)
So I really, really love writing. But not so much that I’m interested in writing something no one will read.
I try to split the difference by writing something I want to write… that people will want to read.
But, as covered above, that’s tricky… when you don’t know anything about publishing.
I’ve been accused, in previous posts, of thinking I know everything. (I’ve also been accused of that in real life. And not about publishing. But I digress.)
I’ll be the first one to admit that I know nothing.
Lao Tzu said, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” (He also said, “When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.” Again, I’m digressing.)
So, I’m ready! Hit me up! Teach me everything I don’t know about publishing! Which is everything….