From the real Joe Siepe (shared with his permission):


Thank you so much for sending this. Unfortunately, you're not the first. The other day, a reader sent me a link to a Facebook page where someone was pretending to be me. Seeing pictures of my books on a page where someone else claimed to write them was a surreal experience, I can tell you.

I just spoke with a lawyer friend of mine about what I can do about this. Unfortunately, it sounds like it'll be a game of "whack-a-mole". But I wouldn't even know it was going on without people like you informing me, so I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. If you happen to run across anyone else pretending to be me, please let me know.

Thanks again and take care,


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Update! The scammer I outed DM'd me the following: Am not threatening but what I will do for you won't like it

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So much to unpack here. Do "for" me. What an interesting non-threat. Will keep you posted as the criminal mastermind's plot unfolds....

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This could be an SNL skit... hilarious

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You are the most patient person in the world!

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Full disclosure: It was a weekend evening and my husband and kids were out, so I had time on my hands.

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This is kinda like the discussion I had with a promoter who pretended to be a New York Times best-selling author whose website said she doesn't even have a Facebook account. The imposter wanted me to believe that her success was due to someone in Africa with a Fiverr gig and not her two highly paid agents and publicists in the US and the UK.

Of course, that discussion was nowhere near as salacious or interesting as this one.

Thanks for putting this out!

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