I have very little faith that indie book marketing works. The market is just too saturated. My marketers, who are excellent at marketing all kinds of services and very reputable, created a great website for me. But the very impressive FB ad did not yield sales, just trolls. The press release to over a hundred smaller news outlets may have generated a few sales--it's hard to tell, but the falloff was rapid. The juice was not worth the squeeze. My audience is mostly right-wing (but sometimes left wing :-) political aficionados who are into post-US Second Civil War dystopia--think a reverse Handmaid's Tale where the woke guys are the oppressors. So for now I prefer to rely on word of mouth, and by posting other people's dystopia-relevant articles on my website blog page (with permission) to drive traffic. At least that isn't costing me much.

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We are an ice skating family, or were until my daughter went to college last year, but not mystery readers. So you'd have to find ice skaters who were into cozy mysteries, or mystery readers who were into ice skating. That's a narrow slice indeed. I shared a table with a cozy mystery writer at a book fair whose niche was putting a different dog breed at the fore helping solve each mystery. One book, another breed. She did great.

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