It's worse. Yesterday, I got 2 unsolicited messages from writers. So I googled the writes after asking them why they contacted me, 1 wanted to collaborate because she liked my writing, I asked her what she'd read. No response. Clearly she was not the writer she claimed to be. Stolen identity. Same with the other, who mentioned a friend marketed her books. I not only googled her (found out who her PR person is), the link she gave me was a web page attached to Twitter---not a real page. When i asked where she was, she said London, Uh, no, Try Nigeria. If you're going to scam, you have to do better.
That is so frustrating. I had one impersonate a NYT best-selling author reach out to me out of the blue, claiming her fame was due to a Fiverr gig instead of her highly-priced publicists and agents in the UK and the US. Right... Like I'm supposed to believe a NYT best-selling author is going to reach out to an indie author like me on a whim. I outed her after I Googled the real author and learned she didn't even have a Facebook page. SMDH.
It's worse. Yesterday, I got 2 unsolicited messages from writers. So I googled the writes after asking them why they contacted me, 1 wanted to collaborate because she liked my writing, I asked her what she'd read. No response. Clearly she was not the writer she claimed to be. Stolen identity. Same with the other, who mentioned a friend marketed her books. I not only googled her (found out who her PR person is), the link she gave me was a web page attached to Twitter---not a real page. When i asked where she was, she said London, Uh, no, Try Nigeria. If you're going to scam, you have to do better.
That is so frustrating. I had one impersonate a NYT best-selling author reach out to me out of the blue, claiming her fame was due to a Fiverr gig instead of her highly-priced publicists and agents in the UK and the US. Right... Like I'm supposed to believe a NYT best-selling author is going to reach out to an indie author like me on a whim. I outed her after I Googled the real author and learned she didn't even have a Facebook page. SMDH.
Hard choice, but I choose contestant number three.