I’m bad at asking for help.
I like to think I’m good at offering it. I give to charity. I sit on several philanthropic boards. I run an entire website dedicated to helping parents navigate the NYC education system for their children.
But I’m very bad at asking for help.
Even when I need it.
Especially when I need it.
I need it now.
As I explained in my very first post back in October of 2021: I am 52 years old. I have published 17 books. My writing career has just reset to Square One. I have no publisher. I have no agent. This will be the story of me trying to reset, revitalize, rise from the ashes, and any other cliche you can think of.
Since that confession, I’ve been picked up by a new publisher. “My Mother’s Secret: A Novel of the Jewish Autonomous Region” is scheduled for release this November - a little over a year since I first began chronicling my journey.
I need for this book to be a success… or I’ll end up even further behind. Possibly even further behind than I was this past October.
I need to come up with some great, original, effective marketing ideas.
I used to be really good at coming up with great, original, effective marketing ideas.
When I worked for Procter & Gamble Productions, I came up with a tie-in book to celebrate “As the World Turns” 50th anniversary on the air. “Oakdale Confidential” was a New York Times bestseller.
To promote my Figure Skating Mystery series, I partnered with two-time Olympic gold medalist Dick Button to produce his Twitter commentary of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. The 5-Books-In-1 compendium was an Amazon best-seller.
I desperately need to think of something equally compelling to promote “My Mothers’ Secret: A Novel of the Jewish Autonomous Region.”
I got nothing.
I could blame it on pandemic burnout. I could blame it on being out of the publishing game for too long. I could blame it on being 52 (see above).
Or I could admit that I need to ask for help.
Even though I am very bad at it.
I can’t do this alone.
I need a little help from my friends.
So this is me, asking for help.
This is me learning how to ask for help.
All ideas welcome.
Connect with Paul - he will guide you through the literary abyss to help market and promote your book.
Read your book or parts of it on Libby and YouTube. Ask my friend Yael Shahar who writes for Times of Israel and is a publisher. Do you have videos of your journey? Get interviewed and post on every platform. Highlight the most surprising, click bait experience. I have a FB friend who works at BBC, but on the tech side. Maybe you or someone can help you make a documentary. My younger son has his degree in visual arts if you want to discuss the film with him. He would expect to be paid, not a lot, but he is autistic, although most don’t notice it. Is there a happy ending?
I like and recommend The Nazi Officer’s Wife, nonfiction, because the author is optimistic and there is a happy ending. Interview with woman and their daughter on YouTube.