Let a Literal Literary Loser Teach You About Book Marketing!
Let's Be Literal Literary Losers Together!
My all-time most controversial post ever was the one where I instructed: Never Take Advice From Someone Who Isn’t Paying You. It made a lot of readers very, very angry. (Read some of their very, very angry comments, here.)
I have also written posts like:
Titles like the above prove that I am, indeed, a Literal Literary Loser. So why should anyone who wants to be a successful author listen to a Literal Literary Loser when it comes to book marketing?
How about because it’s for a good cause?
Colin Mustful, who published my most recent book, “My Mother’s Secret: A Novel of the Jewish Autonomous Region” through his imprint, History Through Fiction, is hosting a live, 24 hour fundraiser beginning this Friday, November 3 to raise money for an Indigenous Writers Grant. (Reserve your FREE spot at this link.)
The goal is to raise $10,000 to be awarded to one Indigenous writer who is pursuing creative writing as their career.
Not only will I be chatting about all things writing at 8:25 PM EST this Friday to support this effort, I have also donated an item for the Silent Auction:
30-Minute Zoom Q&A with NYT Bestselling author Alina Adams
Q&A about writing and publishing with Alina Adams!
Ask Me Anything! After all, if you can’t trust a Literal Literary Loser to answer your questions about traditional publishing, self-publishing, marketing and promotion, who can you trust?
I hope to see you all there!
Meanwhile, as always, my latest YouTube video: